E.CO Pasta System®


E.CO Pasta System® is the only pan in the world which cooks pasta without boiling water... and together with spaghetti it cooks also meat, fish and vegetables, with no added fat, to make refined and tasty recepies.
It's a magic pan which combines the use of new material with a design really in the forefront, to fulfil an excellent result also from a dieting point of view: as a matter of fact pasta's nutrition values are completely preserved and not at all lost in water, just as taste is enhanced by the sauce absorbed by pasta while cooking
It's a real bargain for those singles and married, excellent cookers and just beginners, families and health seekers, for gourmets' joy... But E.CO Pasta System® shows its best use in motorhome and when camping, exactly where 10 years ago, Buganè was stroken by the idea.
Those of you who tried to cook pasta in a motorhome know very well what a hard deed it results. You need a big pan to boil water, a smaller one for the sauce, a container to strain pasta: everything must be pressed onto a tiny hob first and then into a little kitchen sink... In addition to that, clouds of steam will pour down from windows and furniture. The idea of a pan which enables you to cook pasta without traditional boiling, was for a long time studied and then patented with the help of a swedish friend, but everything really started from this experience. Along with the pan , also the "Buganè method" has been patented, to create delicious recepies.
